We are Montgomery County, Maryland residents
advocating for an urban-area phase-out of Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers
to reduce noise that disrupts our lives,
clean our air,
and protect the health of community members and workers.
Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers (GPLBs):
have noise levels that are harmful to the health of residents and especially lawn-care workers
emit large quantities of harmful air pollutants​
disrupt our work & schooling, while harming wildlife and plants
​A Montgomery County phase-out of GPLBs will give us cleaner, quieter, and safer communities
Both District of Columbia and Chevy Chase Village (CCV) have enacted bans on GPLBs, effective January 1, 2022
The DC and CCV bans mean landscape companies working in those jurisdictions must switch to cleaner, quieter, safer electric leaf blowers, so the impact on most Montgomery County landscapers would be minimal
Sales of gas-powered leaf blowers banned in county starting July 1, 2024
Prohibition precedes block on use set for 2025
A ban on sales of gas-powered leaf blowers within Montgomery County will take effect July 1, setting the stage for a complete prohibition on the equipment’s use to be implemented next year. The law, approved by the County Council in 2022, is considered a noise ordinance and an environmental protection measure. The ban includes all handheld, backpack and walk-behind gas-powered leaf removal equipment. Following the sales prohibition, a ban on use of the equipment will become effective July 1, 2025.
Electric Leaf Blower Rebate Program
Coming Soon: Limited rebates available by APPLICATION ONLY. The County is developing a rebate program for the purchase of electric leaf blowers. For questions: LeafBlowerRebateProgram@MontgomeryCountyMD.gov.
Learn More.
Montgomery County Council Enacts Legislation that will Prohibit Sale and Use of Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers
ROCKVILLE, Md., Sept. 26, 2023—The Montgomery County Council enacted legislation today that will prohibit the sale and use of combustion engine-powered leaf blowers and leaf vacuums in most areas of the County. Read full press release here and staff report here.​​